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Hieronder een brief van het bestuur van de Foundation in Sri Lanka met felicitaties en bedanking voor het 15-jarig bestaan van onze vzw. 


It is with great pleasure and satisfaction we take this opportunity to give you our heartfelt wishes for the 15th year anniversary of the Martin De Kegel foundation.

We feel that the vocabulary we possess is hardly sufficient to express our heartfelt gratitude and our admiration.

We say THANK YOU to everyone who lends a helping hand in the Martin De Kegel foundation and to everyone who helps raise funds.

First and for most we would like to thank you for giving aid to children who don't have the financial means to study or to improve their lives themselves.

We also want to express our gratitude for the support you gave to ill children of poor families and to the patients of the mental hospital, our Freedom Home.

We remember the year 2004, when you visited Sri Lanka after the tsunami flood. The help you provided was invaluable.

We also would like to give our heartfelt thanks for the help given to the war victims who were provided with drinkable water.

Thank you for supporting young people in participating a vocational training. This gives them better prospects in the job market and has lifted many of them out of hunger and poverty.

Thank you for helping with the farming projects. We admire the support you give to farmers to help them use biological fertilizers free of poison. This is very essential seen the fact that a big number of farmers and consumers were dealing with kidney problems after working on the fields and eating the rice.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to say out loud that our beloved brother Mr. Martin De Kegel lives in our hearts forever. And also, we would like to give our best wishes to Mrs. Lieve De Kegel, brother Eric, other family members, committee members, and to the friends for the celebration of the 15th year anniversary of your esteem organization.

Thank you for joining hands to fulfill the dream of our loving brother Mr. Martin De Kegel in the last 15 years. We wish you all the blessings, strength and protection of our almighty God. May he be with you always.


From the President Joseph Anthony Manchanayake & the Martin De Kegel foundation Sri Lanka.

WMCW Council Member for South Asia